Friday, 13 March 2020



Hello one and all,

I am sure it hasn’t escaped anyones notice that the corona virus or Covid-19 has had an impact on our shores and is something we have to take seriously. In short a virus that is easily spread and can have massive complications, especially on those who either have underlying health issues or those who are elderly/children. People can spread it without showing any symptoms.

Therefore discussions have been had about our regular Nobog meetings. It has not been taken lightly or has been an easy decision. But it has been decided to postpone our regular meetings until the medical advice allows gatherings like this again. We want to be a place where people can meet and enjoy playing games. However this brings us into close contact, sharing meeples and cards etc. At the end of the day the health of everyone and their families have to been taken seriously to combat the spread of corona.

At present we will look to continually review this and all going well we'll be back in the late spring/early summer, and back to playing games together; ones where 'virus’ and 'quarantine' are purely on the board and not a reality.

Both venues have been made aware that as the Nobog we won’t be attending the usual nights and are understanding of the situation.

Overall please follow the advice of health experts, goverment, and W.H.O.


The Nobog council of Jarls

P.S please pass this onto to others you know that arn’t on social media etc.