
The guys and gals that turn up at NoBoG, whether that's once every five years, or once a week are one of the things that makes NoBoG so good. And being the talented, witty, insightful bunch you are, we're sure you have things to say about that game you played last night and how you were totally cheated out of a win.

If you've got a session report, picture or even just a snippet of information about your gaming experience at NoBoG that you'd like to see on the blog, then drop The Grand NoBoGin Editor a line, details of how to do that at the bottom of this page.

We appreciate all contributions whether they be insights, opinions, comedy or session reports ( or possibly all of the above ), from the battle hardened veterans of many a year, to the just out of the gate first timers, so, if you have a thought, drop us a line !

Whilst we cannot guarantee that everything that's sent to us will get posted, we promise to look at everything that's sent over. And as ever the comments are always open for each post.

Editor Contact Details
Current Editors are available at :

Ian Sutton